Irena Jadelo-Katarskė

Irena Jadelo-Katarskė

• Multidisciplinary Artist
• Visual Artist
• Graphic Designer
• Fashion Designer
• Copywriter

The artist Irena Jadelo-Katarskė, who is sometimes called a "Renaissance human", has a wide range of activities covering various disciplines. In her youth she studied at the Justinas Vienožinskis Art School in Vilnius, where she improved her drawing, painting, graphics and sculpture skills. In 1998 she received the first art award for the work exhibited at the international graphics biennale in Poland. She was also active in music: she sang in an ensemble, a church and a jazz group, gave concerts in Lithuania and Poland, her talent was noticed at the III Polish Song Contest. In 1999 the creator received an award in a literature competition and in 2000 she became the laureate of the language olympiad.

In order to get to know a human being and the world more deeply, she chose to study psychology at the Vytautas Magnus University. Later, she entered the Vilnius Art Academy, where she had the opportunity to immerse in the secrets of costume design. As a student, she created her first commercial clothing collection for one of Vilnius boutiques. Several of her collections were presented at various events and on LNK television. At the age of 22, she participated as a costume decoration artist in creation of the movie "Have No Fear. The Life of Pope John Paul II", which was directed by J. Blackner. In 2005 her fashion collection was entered to the finals of the Young Designers Competition. The designer also obtained a qualification in floristry.

In 2008 she started her own business in the field of design and art under the name "IJK Design Gallery", which she is constantly improving and expanding. The artist has created a good range of graphic design works, paintings and design objects (accessories, gifts, paper products). Her illustrations decorate postcards, invitations and websites. In 2012 a photo of her painting was printed on the cover of an art calendar in Poland (press "Apostolicum") and later appeared in the British art publication "Tribe. International Creative Arts Magazine". In 2016 the artist took part in illustration projects promoting the fashion houses "Chanel" and "Valentino", curated by the Canadian entrepreneur Marcus Kan, who contributes with famous brands of the world fashion industry.

The author writtes various types of texts. Some of them are with music. In 2017 she received the "Complete Vocal Technique" accreditation, created her own songs and recorded first singles.

In 2017 the artist has discovered attractive spheres of activity where she can combine her talents, knowledge and skills and innovatively adapt to rapidly developing technologies. One of her areas of activity is working with businesses, creating identity, corporate style, brands, advertising, communication for social networks, SEO, telling stories.

The creator also joined the implementation of artistic, business and training projects, such as the forum "Successful Startup. You Can!" ("Sėkmingas startuolis. Tu gali!", 2018), the event series "Creativity in Business" ("Kūrybiškumas versle", 2019) and "Coffee with a Mentor" ("Kava su mentorium", 2019). As a mentor, she took part in the project "There is No Quarantine on the Internet" ("Internete karantino nėra" 2020). She shares her knowledge and experience at artistic workshops and consultations.

The artist is interested in philosophy and the influence of symbols and metaphors on human life. She addresses these topics in her work. She is keen on Oriental studies and often uses these elements, integrating it in her works in a contemporary way. In her free time she deepens her knowledge of Chinese language, marketing and website coding.